
TERMS OF USE, DISCLAIMER, AND RISK DISCLOSURE: All content published and distributed by investireads.com (IIR), strictly provides educational and informational services only for our readers.


All materials distributed by IIR include only our own opinions as to buying, selling and holding various stocks and other securities. The publishers of IIR are not brokers, investment advisors, or financial advisors, and therefore do not provide specific investment advice or recommendations directed to any particular member or in view of the particular circumstances of any particular person.

IIR does not offer advisory services and does not make recommendations. All of our material are for educational and informational purposes only.

Therefore, we do not recommend that you buy any of the stocks, assets, or companies that we choose to profile, mention, or even add to our own portfolio. Because we never make recommendations, we obviously make no guarantees.

IIR are not, and do not represent themselves as offering or recommending any securities to be bought or sold.  All distributed materials by IIR, both online and offline, are provided strictly for educational and informational purposes only, which must be tempered by the investment experience and independent decision making process of the member.

All prospective investors should always consult with a broker or investment adviser before investing any money.

Accuracy of Information Cannot be Guaranteed

The information provided by IIR is obtained from sources believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. IIR members should realize that since we do not make recommendations, their decision to buy, sell, or hold any securities listed in any, and all, IIR distributed materials should only take place after doing their own due diligence and after consulting with a broker or investment advisor.

Compensation For Endorsing Products or Services, “Affiliate” Relationships

We regularly review or endorse products or services sold by other companies. At IIR we value the trust our readers put in the advice we provide, and endeavor to only endorse products that have been thoroughly vetted by our staff, rigorously tested, and exceed the quality standards we would use for ourselves. However, we strongly believe that you should always perform your own due diligence to evaluate whether such products or services are right for you before making a purchase.

In many cases, we have established a financial relationship with the companies that offer these products and are given a commission or reimbursement on sales we generate. As part of that negotiation we strictly specify that any fees paid will not change the price or quality of goods and services provided. The availability of fee sharing does not affect our decision to endorse a product, nor does an agreement affect our decision to discontinue our endorsement if we no longer believe the products or services meet the standards our customers should expect.

Regarding any Amazon affiliate links on this site: As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

Content Not to be Construed as Personal Investment Advice

IIR is a completely independent newsletter publisher owned and operated by IIR. IIR and its publishers, owners and agents, are not liable, nor shall they be held liable, for any losses or damages, monetary or otherwise, that result from the content of IIR.

Past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance. The financial performance figures that are listed our website(s) are based upon the date of inclusion of the asset, stock or ETF, into our portfolio.

While the results may be real, some results posted for IIR are hypothetical. They are based on the price when the idea was mentioned by us.

IIR cannot guarantee that any person bought or sold the actual security for the prices listed in the newsletter, or on our website(s). The prices listed in the newsletter and on the Web Site are the closing prices on the day the play was published, unless a specific target or entry price was reached during that day, or unless an actual trade was placed by editors of IIR.

The information provided by IIR is provided for general informational purposes, as a convenience to the members of IIR. The materials are not a substitute for obtaining professional advice from a qualified person, firm or corporation. Consult the appropriate professional advisor for more complete and current information. IIR is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional services by providing these general informational materials. IIR and its publishers specifically disclaim any liability, whether based in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, access to or use of IIR, even if IIR has been advised of the possibility of such damages, including liability in connection with mistakes or omissions in, or delays in transmission of, information to or from the user, interruptions in telecommunications connections to the site or viruses.

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If you decide to buy a stock, ETF, or asset that has been highlighted in materials distributed by IIR, it is expected that you will take full responsibilty for your actions and that you will hold IIR, and its owners harmless and not liable for any and all investment losses that may occur as a result of your choice to invest in a stock, ETF, or other investment that we highlight. We make no recommendations and therefore we can make no guarantees. All of our trades, and investing ideas, are simply shared with you as an educational and informational tool and resource.

Always do your own due diligence. Make informed choices after seeking the advice of a qualified financial advisor or investment advisor before making any investment decisions.

If you have questions, please contact us.